She was bribed by the Philistines, and discovered that his strength came from his hair which had never been cut. While he was asleep it was cut, Samson was drained of his strength and the Philistines were able to capture him. Old Testament (Judges 16: 17-20).
Delilah puts Eve to shame!!!

HAIR has been an obsession with the human race since biblical times. Today’s technology gives us a wide variety of hair products to suit an equally wide variety of hairstyles, hair types and colors. Next time you are in the hair care section of a pharmacy notice how much space is devoted to hair care products. Why do we put all this stuff on our hair? It costs us a small fortune and it all washes out and goes down the drain the next time we wash our hair. I wonder why Green Peace hasn’t put a stop to this mess? Maybe they don’t realize just how much of these hair care products we use and wash down the drain to pollute our waterways. Let’s not forget our garbage crisis. If we stop using mousse, gel, putty, mud, etc., etc., we won’t have all those containers to throw in the garbage. Can it be recycled? Some can.
Can’t I find a hairstyle that doesn’t need this stuff to look good? I would save a lot of money. I’ll keep trying.
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